Commercial lending relays on company financial statements as a valuable credit evaluation data source


The Challenge



Companies publish financial
statements in different


Credit and rating systems
require information in a
standardized data format


Many hours of credit analysts
spent in financial statements’
  interpretation and typing


Fin. Analysis mines and classifies the information available in the financial reports and converts them into 3000+ data points mapped to your specific format. 

The process includes several checks that ensure the data is accurate, complete, consistent, and reasonable, with our machine learning algorithms constantly improving the data accuracy. 


How does it work?


  1.  Configure fin.analysis to your own requirements and formats

  2. Upload the financial report

  3. Fin.analysis scans the report, applies its machine learning algorithms, and extracts over 3000 data points, according to your configuration, within minutes

  4. The data can be exported to your financial systems and/or viewed within the platform with our built-in dashboard and reports.



Fin.Analysis Advantages


Cost Savings
Freeing credit analysts from spending time on mundane tasks

New Insights
Up to 3,000 data points from every financial statement

Reduced Operational Risk
Fewer human errors, consistency,
and better controls

Faster Response
Data ready at the bank’s systems within few minutes

It fascinates me to discover new ways in which Analytics can improve customers and Employees lives
— Ariel Resnik, CEO